JKIA workers striker for over 18 hours in what they claimed lack of involvement in JKIA -Adani Lease.
Presdent William Ruto’s government is about to sign the controversial JKIA-Adani lease despite the public outcry of the deal that is not clear.
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President William Ruto Signs 4 Universal Health Coverage Bills Into Law early this year
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Over the past two years since president william Ruto took over the office from President Uhuru Kenyatta, He has signed multiple multi million deals that he sees as a model of economic transformation.
In other news, the state does not disclose the contract details to the public which continiues to cause public outcry.
In recent demos in the country by the genZ, one of the issues raised is high level of borrowing without much to see for the borrowed finances.
So, what are this multibillion deals
1.CBK’s money printing deal
A German Firm was offered a multibillion deal by the Central bank of Kenya for the money printing tender. The CBK governor, Kamau Thuge disclosed more details about this contract during his summoning by the lawmakers this year. He said that this decision was arrived at in order to avert a stock-out crisis. However, the Attorney General approved the contract.
2. Edible oil import deal
In 2023 the governement of Kenya entered into contract with private companies to import 125, 000 tons of cooking oil. The Kenya National Trading Corporation (KNTC) Procured the deal citing to stabilise the oil prices in the country. Some of the companies mentions were linked to Kenya Kwanza government.
3. JKIA-Adani lease
JKIA-Adani lease is the most recent multibillion deal that governement is about to contract the Indian based company. The company is proposing ksh258 billion to modernise the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA).However, the deal has several controversies that is not clear to the public and that saw the Kenya Airport Workers Union staff strike for hours.
In conclusion, the government is committed to economically transform the country. President William Ruto continously defended the steps his government take. The multibillion deal is a breakthrough to the financial challenges affecting the country.